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The Network Luncheon ww-logo-thumb-150Eldonna-Lewis-Fernandez-150x150with Eldonna Lewis Fernandez
San Diego Chapter .

Join us for our monthly meeting with speakers, networking, table displays, vendors, business introductions, shout outs, door prize drawings and lots of gifts!

We meet the 2nd Friday of each month so plan ahead and mark your calendar for the whole year!

Eldonna is a retired Air Force veteran with 23 years of honorable military service. She is a negotiation and contracts expert with over 30 years of leadership, contracts management and negotiation experience. She has negotiated contracts from $1 to over $100 million both stateside and internationally. She was deployed to the Middle East after 911 and has years of experience in foreign acquisition.


She is a subject matter expert in the Contracting Career Field and was recently featured on Fox Business. She has developed and taught courses on Contract Claims, Negotiation and other aspects of Contracting. She has 7 years of extensive experience working for defense contractors in the Aerospace Industry. She holds a Top Secret security clearance and has been a trusted agent of the U.S. Government for 30 years.

Eldonna is the CEO of Dynamic Vision International Inc a training and consulting firm. She specializes in training people how to think like a negotiator by creating win win results and understanding the pitfalls to avoid. She is an international award winning speaker and an award winning author.


Think Like A Negotiator

Negotiation is simply discussions to agree on a deal. Whether you are negotiating a multi-million dollar deal or simply where to meet for dinner, improving your negotiation skills will give you more confidence and better results.

In this highly-charged, content-packed presentation Eldonna will show you how to find more power, negotiate better deals and create win-win results. You will be energized, empowered and educated to be a better negotiator and understand the art and language of negotiation.


Your audience will learn to:

  • Go into any situation with 100% confidence that you will get the results you want
  • Consistently satisfy and attract the right clients or customersEldonna-Lewis-Fernandez-book-100x150
  • Know what to ask for and how to ask
  • Understand strategies to turn a discussion or disagreement to a more favorable result
  • Have the mindset to think like a negotiator and ethically influence your outcomes
  • Avoid the common mistakes made in negotiation


Women’s Wisdom Network ~ Women Empowering Women In Friendship and Business

Luncheon with Speaker, Networking, Introductions, Shout Outs, Announcements, Table Displays, Vendors, Gifts and more! Connect with women in the community who are making a difference.

2nd Friday of each month
11:00 AM  Registration, Networking, Displays
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM Luncheon & Meeting
1:30 – 2:00 Networking (optional)
On time door prize drawing!

(Vendors & Volunteers arrive at 10 am to setup)

Morgan Run Club and Resort
5690 Cancha de Golf, Rancho Santa Fe, CA
(Arrive early for parking space)

Salmon Salad
Please let us know if you require Vegetarian meal 5 days in advance.

Register Here: *Discounts are for online payments 5 days in advance.

$45.00 Prepaid Online in advance / $55.00 At the Door
$50.00 Table Display + $45.00 Luncheon
$85.00 ($50.00 Membership + $35.00 Luncheon)

$35.00 Special for Members who pay 5 days in advance. / $55.00 at the Door
Step 1. Join Membership here for only $50.00
Step 2. Subscribe here for the free gifts, discount, calendar.
Step 3. Register here on meetup for the discount, address, directions, map.

$85.00 ($50.00 Table Display + $35.00 Luncheon)

(Requirement for discount is to JOIN Women’s Wisdom membership for $50.00.)

Bring Lots of Business Cards (Members arrive at 10 am to put your info in 60 gift bags) 
Bring a Gift for the drawing for extra exposure for your business.
And bring lots of friends!

In service,
Judy Ann Foster

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