Learn all about the fabulous benefits of joining our Women’s Wisdom Membership no matter where you live around the Globe.
Women’s Wisdom Local San Diego Chapter
- Membership Benefits:
- Discounts at meetings. introductions,announcements.
- Table display for Members
- Business Cards in Gift Bags for everyone attending
- Volunteer for extra exposure at meetings
- Gift Bag for new members
- Group Listing with your photo, website, biz info.
- Women’s Wisdom Social Media Links to promote your business!
- Join here…
- $250.00 Individual Business Membership
- $500.00 Dual Business Membership
- $2,500 Global Sponsorship
Women’s Wisdom Sponsors
- This is a Business Membership for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs.
- This is for Professionals who want to receive Marketing Promotions on our Website, Newsletter, Calendar, Emails and Social Media.
- Advertise your business information with your picture and business logo.
- Join our Sponsor program for only $25.00 a month. $300.00 a Year
- Just select your desired option in the below menu and click Pay Now to get started!
This does not include the basic membership. This is an add on to the memberrship.
Subscription Benefits 
Subscribe here for your free Newsletter and you will receive:
- Women’s Wisdom Invitations to Online Tele-Gatherings
- Women’s Wisdom Calendar with Community and Global Events.
- Women’s Wisdom Newsletter to Inspire and Empower.
- And all the Fabulous Bonus GIFTS!