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Keynote Speaker Nancy B. Solomon, MA
Since 1992, WomenThink’s CEO & Founder, Nancy D. Solomon, has been a force for change and the go-to women’s leadership expert in traditionally male-dominated industries such as technology, banking and finance, worldwide.

She is the Author of Impact!: What Every Woman Needs to Know to Go From Invisible to Invincible

As a renowned expert in the personal and professional development space, Nancy has over the past 29 years helped thousands of people remove the barriers to their fulfillment and success. In doing so, they have empowered themselves to turn their potential into performance and maximize their positive impact.

Known as The Impact Expert, Nancy is a veteran coach, dynamic keynote speaker, trainer, writer, and career strategist. She is the author of the acclaimed book: Impact! What Every Woman Needs to Know to Go From Invisible to Invincible, and is currently working on her next book. 

How to Take Charge of The Unconscious Biases That Impact Your Authentic Leadership,
Earning Potential and Personal

You will learn . . . . 
  • How you can recognize, and be accountable for your unconscious biases
  • How to inspire and challenge your team to be their best and contribute that to the world
  • How to be a role model for inclusiveness
  • How to increase awareness of, and responsibility for, your impact
  • How unconscious bias, diversity, personal empowerment and leadership impacts the success of your business


Monthly Luncheon, Speaker, Networking, Introductions, Shout-Outs, Announcements, Table Displays, Vendors, Promotional Bags, Gifts and more! Bring a gift for the drawing, lots of Business Cards and your friends.

August 15, 2024 (3rd Thursday)  11:00 am – 2:00 pm
10:00  Vendors and Volunteers arrive to set up
10:30 Registration Open, Networking, Displays, Vendor Contest, On time door prize drawing.
11:00 Meeting Starts, Luncheon, Introductions, Shout-Outs, Gifts and Guest Speaker.

11915 El Camino Real, San Diego, CA 92130
Find us next to the Route 56/I-5 intersection
(Arrive early for parking space, registration, networking)

Register in advance for the Discount!
Members: $45.00 7 days in advance / $55.00 Late
Guest: $55.00 7 days in advance / $65.00 Late, Door Rate
1) Choose Your Option First in the Drop Down Menu
2) Then click on the buy now button.
3) After you complete payment it will ask you for your meal choice.
Please Note: A PayPal Account is not needed, you can pay via credit card.
Member Discount is in the Drop Down Menu only.



Salmon Salad, Chicken Salad, Roasted Vegetable Salad. Late registrations is Chef’s Choice, so please write your meal choice when you register to confirm.  ( Late orders are Chef’s Choice and Late Fee)

Would you like to:
Network with amazing women in the community?
Introduce yourself to everyone at the event?
Share your business with a table display?
Meet new friends that last a life time?
Learn from celebrity authors and speakers?
Enjoy a delicious meal and receive gifts?

JOIN the 2024 Membership for a discount and all the benefits!   
Step 1. Join Membership here
Step 2. Subscribe here for the free gifts, discount, calendar.
Step 3. RSVP  here on meetup for community & extra exposure.


In Service, Judy Ann Foster
Click here to Contact Us 

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