Women’s Wisdom Tea 
with Lorna Christensen,
M.A., M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
Creative Therapies: Welcome to a path of discovery leading
you to a more fulfilling life and satisfying relationships.
Lorna Christensen comes from a background in biomed research, then pursued clinical counseling, behavioral medicine, corporate health promotion, EMDR, Pranic Healing, art and other energy psychology modalities. She combines the best of 35 years of on-going professional training, her own inner work, spiritual development, creativity and humor in her work. Her clients feel “gotten”, connected to, appreciated and guided to their next level in life, love and meaning. Many have gone on be happily married to great partners, and creating the next generation.
Personally, Lorna dated for many years, and kept trying and learning, exploring and clearing, in each relationship she was gifted with – after all she came from the era of the song, “Love the one you’re with”. Although her career was thriving, she longed for a partner to grow with over the years and to “rise in love”. All the preparation paid off and she is now in a mutually loving, supportive, fun and ever evolving marriage, and together they co-created a beautiful home. She shares several of her best strategies in:
You know how it is to want something and not know what to do to reach that goal? Most people say they want a soul-mate, or to fall in love, or they want to regain those feelings in their current relationship. In today’s topic Lorna Christensen, MA,MSW,LCSW guides the group to rise in the experience of love and connection, to gain new knowledge in the evolving area of adult attachment systems, and gives powerful yet easy strategies to use at home.
- Learn about the 4 internal attachment systems: making healthy choices.
- Easy ways to release blockages to love
- Experience strategies to “Rise in Love”
More about Lorna and her work at http://lornachristensen.com, and soon, www.Findingtruelovenow.com
WHO: Women’s Wisdom Network ~ Women Empowering Women In Friendship & Business
WHAT: Women’s Wisdom Tuesday Tea Time and Master Mind Speaker Series,
All are welcome for a Women’s Wisdom Community Event, Social, Speaker, Sharing.
WHEN: October 4, 2016 * 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
WHERE: Lorna’s beautiful ocean view home in Del Mar, CA (register online for the address)
How: $25.00 prepaid online / $30.00 at the Door
How: Register online for the address and directions here:.http://meetup.com/womenswisdom
In service, Judy Ann Foster 760-703-9941 judy@womenswisdom.net www.womenswisdom.net