San Diego’s Premier Networking and Relationship-Building Group
for Purpose-Driven and Soul-Inspired Female Entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurial women love the buzz and success of other women. They find the creativity and movement exciting, inspirational, and they give back to help one another. Who wouldn’t want to get to know power women like that?
Luncheon with Speaker, Networking, Introductions, Shout Outs, Announcements, Table Displays, Vendors, Gifts and more! Connect with women in the community who are making a difference. Bring Lots of Business Cards and your friends. We meet the 2nd Friday of each month so plan ahead and mark your calendar for the whole year!
2nd Friday of each month
(Networking one hour before and two hours after)
10:00 AM Doors open for Registration and networking!
Displays, Vendor Contest, On time door prize drawing.
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Luncheon, Speaker, Gifts, Shout outs and more
2:00 – 3:00 Extra Networking (optional)
(Vendors & Volunteers arrive at 9:30 am to setup)
Morgan Run Club and Resort
5690 Cancha de Golf, Rancho Santa Fe, CA
(Arrive early for parking space, registration, networking)
MENU: Salmon Salad, Chicken Salad or Vegetarian Salad
Order 5 days in advance. Late Registrations is “Chefs Choice” ONLY.
Guest pay here: $55 Pre-paid 7 days in advance.
Guest Late: $65.00 and at the Door, week before event
Member: $45.00 Members Prepaid Online in advance
Member Late Registration: $55.00 at the Door
Vendor Display: $100.00 + Meeting Cost
Be sure to add your full name, cell and meal choice when you pay online.
jOIN the 2018 Membership for a discount
Step 1. Join Membership here
Step 2. Subscribe here for the free gifts, discount, calendar.
Step 3. Register here on meetup for the discount, address, directions, map.
(Requirement for discount is to JOIN Women’s Wisdom membership)
Liana Charouli, Best Selling Author and Business Style Expert
Liana Chaouli, (pronounced sha-oo-li), also referred to as The Style Sage, is the President and Founder of Image Therapists International Inc. and a globally recognized thought leader, bestselling author, style expert and educator. Ms. Chaouli, provides transformation through the empowerment of wardrobe. She has spent two decades consulting CEOs, celebrities, and political figures on matters of self-image. As the developer of Image Therapy™, she works closely with her clients on their personal and professional presence using analysis, physical appearance, and education to adjust attitudes affecting self-esteem and overall sense of worth. Her clients include Bob Mackie, The Canfield Training Group, IBM, Nordstrom’s, Coldwell Banker University, Chico’s, and many more.
Timmithea Leeds, Fashion Designer ~ Fashion Show
Timmithea has created a capsule collection of special occasion dresses that are Eco-Glamorous! All fabrics are specially curated and purchased from companies in the USA. Timmithea challenged herself to design a collection of dresses from the least amount of fabric as possible- each takes about three yards, creates minimal waste and is manufactured from sustainable fabrics like silk that eventually makes its way back into the ecosystem with minimal impact. Timmithea likes to use classic designs which tend to have a longer closet life than most trendy styles, too! Furthermore, Timmithea doesn’t carry inventory but chooses to have each dress made when ordered.
Timmithea’s dresses are manufactured in California by WOMEN for WOMEN. Be Eco-Glamorous and support a designer who cares about women and the environment!
Please call if you have any questions.
In service,
Judy Ann Foster